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today we're joined by Sergio DeCesare from Max business profits.<br /> now Sergio is a profit and<br />growth expert he's a business exit strategist um it's I enjoyed talking to him because<br />he understands businesses from a lot of different angles and he can break them down in a pretty simple terms where it<br />helps me as a business owner understand what I need to look at maybe what I'm<br />doing wrong or where I'm short-sighted and it gives you a path forward on how to address it so we talked through some<br />of the different ways that he does this for current customers businesses that he's worked with in the past we do talk<br />about the difference between growing and scaling that was pretty interesting from from my perspective<br />and if you are a business down here in Southwest Florida and you want to take<br />things to the next level you want to understand how your business runs what cash flow actually is where your profits<br />are and where you really should take your business I recommend reaching out to Sergio he knows a lot and he can shed<br />quite a bit of light on maybe what you're doing well and uh maybe what you<br />eed to improve on so without further Ado please enjoy this episode with Sergio for Max business profits<br />This episode is brought to you by Southwest Florida podcast we help<br />businesses make marketing videos now a lot of businesses see the value in video content but they don't know where to<br />start filming editing posting on social media these can take up a lot of time and they can be pretty frustrating and<br />that's where we commit we work with businesses to highlight the value they bring to their customers and share that<br />online now we've created the marketing manager's guide to video content that you can download for free by following<br />the link below or scanning the QR code on your screen now enjoy the show   my website is<br /> that's where my home is a direct line to me is<br />239-580-7408 and my email address is Sergio

today we're joined by Sergio DeCesare from Max business profits.
now Sergio is a profit and
growth expert he's a business exit strategist um it's I enjoyed talking to him because
he understands businesses from a lot of different angles and he can break them down in a pretty simple terms where it
helps me as a business owner understand what I need to look at maybe what I'm
doing wrong or where I'm short-sighted and it gives you a path forward on how to address it so we talked through some
of the different ways that he does this for current customers businesses that he's worked with in the past we do talk
about the difference between growing and scaling that was pretty interesting from from my perspective
and if you are a business down here in Southwest Florida and you want to take
things to the next level you want to understand how your business runs what cash flow actually is where your profits
are and where you really should take your business I recommend reaching out to Sergio he knows a lot and he can shed
quite a bit of light on maybe what you're doing well and uh maybe what you
need to improve on so without further Ado please enjoy this episode with Sergio for Max business profits
This episode is brought to you by Southwest Florida podcast we help
businesses make marketing videos now a lot of businesses see the value in video content but they don't know where to
start filming editing posting on social media these can take up a lot of time and they can be pretty frustrating and
that's where we commit we work with businesses to highlight the value they bring to their customers and share that
online now we've created the marketing manager's guide to video content that you can download for free by following
the link below or scanning the QR code on your screen now enjoy the show my website is that's where my home is a direct line to me is
239-580-7408 and my email address is Sergio

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Sergio DeCesare from Max Business Profits SWFL Business Podcast S2 E8

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